What is a perfect world?

What is a perfect world? A world with no pain or suffering, where poverty is unknown, but would it be perfect at all?

Think about it, a world where there is no misery or sadness, where everyone is happy all the time, but would they even know they’re happy?

How can you tell if you’re happy if you have never experienced sadness and suffering.

Don’t you need to experience all the negatives in life to be able to appreciate the positives for what they are?

What is a perfect world? A world with beauty all around us, with birds of different colors flying about. A world where dreams become reality, where everything you want you can achieve with barely any effort.

Is that reality?

What is a perfect world?

Waking up in the morning to your favorite breakfast, with the sound of children playing outside, with the thought that today great things will be experienced, where the thought of work brings a smile to your face.

Is that a perfect world?

A world where there is no confusion and all is clear. Where the sun shines and there’s no fear. Where the stars can be seen at night, where spring is always here. Is that a perfect world?

A world where sickness is but a myth, and harmony is all we see. Humans are gentle and kind to their peers, is that a perfect world?

Think about it.

What is a perfect world?

Veronika Decides to Die- Paulo Coelho Quote:

“Be like the fountain that overflows, not like the cistern that merely contains.”

About Aurora

writing a blog about nothing and everything. Not apt for the serious.
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5 Responses to What is a perfect world?

  1. “Veronika decides to die” es uno de mis libros preferidos. Creo que dejó algo en mí./ Con respecto a tu reflexióbn: Lamentablemente no valoramos lo que tenemos hasta que lo perdemos, que duro! pero así nos pasa.

  2. max says:

    did you write this?

  3. max says:

    very insightful, im willing to bet most people don’t go through life asking themselves these kinds of questions.

  4. Camilo says:

    Don’t you need to experience all the negatives in life to be able to appreciate the positives for what they are?

    Don’t babies laugh and gurgle? If this were true than we’d have to plumb the depths of despair to ever feel happy, which is simply impossible. If nothing else, there just isn’t time enough for both in a lifetime.

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